Saturday, 27 June 2009

Online Portfolio

Just purchased my domain name for my new online portfolio. At the moment there is just a title card, showing a little snippet of the style but I still need to complete some of the other pages. However, it should all be up and running very soon :D

Take a look and bookmark it! 

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Things I've learnt from being a 2nd Year…

* Typography can be fun
* I love making books, old cameras and ellipses 
* There's much much much more to design than I first realised
* MacBook's are lovely things
* The beauty, and the devil, are in the details
* More handmade, more tactile = more interesting work
* I don't write enough
* or post updates enough
* or use my time wisely out of projects
* Inspiration is everywhere. Or mainly out of my room, away from the computer. 


So May came and went, I finished my second year and the summer lays out before me. The month has been a mix of stress, deadlines, sun and relaxation. The first two weeks were preparing my portfolio for assessment and finishing off any work as needed which is no easy thing with the collapse of all available printers the weekend before handing it all in. Ah well, it's all finished, I've been to France, took a lot of photos on my trio of 35mm cameras and about to start earning my way this summer. Before all that though are some photos of my favourite pieces from my portfolio. 

Final Major - Boundaries


A very long overdue post on my ISTD award entry. This is my redesign of the piece and is still not finished! Maybe over summer…